NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Get Started
  • Catalogue API
  • Availability API
  • CheckRate API
  • Booking API
  • Errors
  • Introduction

    This document describes the interface specifications between the Weekendesk and a Client partner.
    The interface developed by the Client partner, according to the specifications present in this document, will allow the client to PULL informations in order to build a catalogue of products, retrieve availability and price and ultimately perform a booking. The following APIs are provided to the Client:

    1. Catalogue API: the Catalogue API allows the Client to PULL the information about Weekendesk catalogue and build a list of products for a specific destination.
    2. Availability API: the Availability API allows the Client to PULL out the list of offers available for a specific property at a specific price for a defined travel period.
    3. CheckRate API: the CheckRate API allows the Client to perform a check of rates and availability before confirming the booking and avoid failures during this process.
    4. Booking API: the Booking APIs allows the Client to perform real-time bookings inside Weekendesk system and notify the providers.

    Following this document, the Client can develop an interface for their clients in order to sell Weekendesk offers.

    Get Started


    The Weekendesk Outbound API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which are understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors, although our API libraries convert responses to appropriate language-specific objects.

    To make the API as explorable as possible, we will be providing you both a test and live environment. Just use the appropriate endpoint to perform a live or test transaction. Requests made in test environment never send requests to real providers and incur no cost.


    API Requests

    The WED Hub offers Partners the opportunity to retrieve static and dynamic content via the following messages.

    GET /catalogue

    Retrieve all catalogue of Weekendesk or a restricted part of it by specifying a destination in the filter parameters.

    POST /availability

    Fetch the list of offers available for a requested occupancy in a specific travel period.

    POST /checkrate

    Check real time availability and prices before confirming the booking into Weekendesk system.

    POST /booking

    Send a booking request to Weekendesk to reserve a Weekendesk offer and notify all suppliers.


    Catalogue API

    GET /catalogue

    HTTP Request


    Query parameters

    Element Type Required Description
    Locale string Language in which the information should be returned
    Pagination number Number of elements should be present in each page
    Code string Partner code given by Weekendesk
    Name string Name or POS of the partner
    DestinationCode string DestinationCode provided by Weekendesk to identify a specific location
    Tag string Tag associated to a Property, a Room or a Package


    Element Type Description
    Code string Property Code used by Weekendesk
    Name string Property Name used by Weekendesk
    ShortDescription string Short description of the Property
    LongDescription string Long description of the Property
    PropertyType string Type of property (e.g. Chalet, Hotel)
    StarRating integer Number of Stars, if applicable
    PropertyCategory string Category of the Property
    PropertyStyle string Style of the Property
    PropertyCapacity string Number of Rooms present in the Property
    MinPrice decimal Min price offered in the next 90 days
    PropertyCurrency string Currency in which the prices and charged are expressed in
    HowToGetThere string How to reach the Property
    CountryCode string ISO Code of the country in which the searched destination is located
    CountryName string Name of the country in which the searched destination is located
    DestinationCode string Weekendesk code of the searched destination
    DestinationName string Name of the searched destination
    ZoneCode string Weekendesk code of the property location
    ZoneName string Name of the property location (e.g. village, town, city, island)
    Longitude string Longitude of the property
    Latitude string Latitude of the property
    Address string Full address of the property location
    Name string Name of the tax charged
    Type string Tax calculation (e.g. Fixed per night; % Booking)
    Value decimal Longitude of the property
    Included string Yes=Included in the total price; No=Not included in the total price
    Name string Name of the charges
    Type string Charge calculation (e.g. Fixed per night; % Booking)
    Value decimal Longitude of the property
    Included string Yes=Included in the total price; No=Not included in the total price
    Name string Name of the policy (e.g. Cancellation; Booking)
    Description string Description of the applicable policy
    Name string Name of the Tag linked to the Property
    OfferCode string Name of the facility
    OfferName string Name of the facility
    BookingConditions string Booking conditions of the package
    CancellationPolicy string CancellationPolicy of the package
    Name string Name of the Room
    Type string Type of the Room
    Category string Category of the Room
    View string View of the Room
    BoardCode string code of the Meal Plan included in the offer
    BoardName string type of Meal Plan included in the offer
    Comments string additional info of the offer
    Type string Type of bed
    Quantity integer Number of beds for the category type
    Adults integer Number of paying adults
    Children integer Number of paying children
    Babies integer Number of paying babies
    ExtraAdults integer Number of Extra adults allowed
    ExtraChildren integer Number of Extra children allowed
    ExtraBabies integer Number of Extra babies allowed
    Size string Size of the picture
    Link string Link of the picture
    Description string Description of the picture
    Name string Name of the activity
    Duration string Duration of the activity
    Location string Location of the activity
    ThingsToKnow string Info about the activity
    Adults integer Number of paying adults
    Children integer Number of paying children
    Babies integer Number of paying babies
    ExtraAdults integer Number of Extra adults allowed
    ExtraChildren integer Number of Extra children allowed
    ExtraBabies integer Number of Extra babies allowed
    Size string Size of the picture
    Link string Link of the picture
    Description string Description of the picture
    OfferMinPrice decimal Min price available in the next 90 days
    OfferCurrency string Currency of the offer in which the price is displayed
    Name string Name of the facility
    ExtraCharge decimal Charge for the service not included in the price
    Facility string Description of the facility
    Name string Name of the Point of Interest
    Longitude string Longitude of the POI
    Latitude string Latitude of the POI
    Size string Size of the picture
    Link string Link of the picture
    Description string Description of the picture describing the POI
    Size string Size of the picture
    Link string Link of the picture
    Description string Description of the picture

    Availability API

    POST /availability

    HTTP Request


    Query parameters

    Element Type Description
    Locale string Language in which the information should be returned
    Code string Partner code given by Weekendesk
    Name string Name or POS of the partner
    Start date Date of the CheckIn
    End date Date of the CheckOut
    Adults integer Number of adults
    Children integer Date of the CheckOut
    Babies integer Date of the CheckOut
    SameRoom string Yes=accommodate all guests in the same room; No=guests are splitted among 1 or multiple rooms
    PropertyCode string Code of the property
    OfferCode string Code of the offer


    Element Type Description
    CheckIn date CheckIn of the travel period
    Nights integer Number of nights requested for a travel period
    CheckIn date CheckOut of the travel period
    PropertyCode string Code of the property requested
    PropertyName date Name of the property requested
    OfferCode date Code of the offer
    OfferName date Name of the offer
    Name string Name of the Room
    Type string Type of the Room
    Category string Category of the Room
    View string View of the Room
    BoardCode string Code of the Meal Plan included in the offer
    BoardName string Type of Meal Plan included in the offer
    Comments string additional info of the offer
    Adults integer Number of paying adults
    Children integer Number of paying children
    Babies integer Number of paying babies
    ExtraAdults integer Number of Extra adults allowed
    ExtraChildren integer Number of Extra children allowed
    ExtraBabies integer Number of Extra babies allowed
    ExtraAdults decimals Extra adults price
    ExtraChildren decimals Extra children price
    ExtraBabies decimals Extra babies price
    Size string Size of the picture
    Link string Link of the picture
    Description string Description of the picture
    Name string Name of the activity
    Duration string Duration of the activity
    Location string Location of the activity
    ThingsToKnow string Info about the activity
    Adults integer Number of paying adults
    Children integer Number of paying children
    Babies integer Number of paying babies
    ExtraAdults integer Number of Extra adults allowed
    ExtraChildren integer Number of Extra children allowed
    ExtraBabies integer Number of Extra babies allowed
    ExtraAdults decimals Extra adults price
    ExtraChildren decimals Extra children price
    ExtraBabies decimals Extra babies price
    Size string Size of the picture
    Link string Link of the picture
    Description string Description of the picture
    NetAmount decimals Net amount of the offer
    SellAmount decimals Sell amount of the offer
    OriginalAmount decimals Original among before discount applied
    Discount decimals Discount percentage applicable to offer
    Currency string Currency in which amounts are displayed
    Booking Conditions string Booking conditions of the offer
    Cancellation policy
    Type string
    FreeCancellationDate date Date until the offer is cancellable
    OffersAvailable integer Number of offers available
    OfferKey string Key identifier of the offer for a specific travel period and pax combination
    OfferURL string Offer URL on Weekendesk website

    CheckRate API

    POST /checkrate

    HTTP Request


    Query parameters

    Element Type Description
    Locale string Language in which the information should be returned
    Code string Partner code given by Weekendesk
    Name string Name or POS of the partner
    OfferKey string Key identifier of the offer for a specific travel period and pax combination


    Element Type Description
    CheckIn date CheckIn of the travel period
    Nights integer Number of nights requested for a travel period
    CheckIn date CheckOut of the travel period
    PropertyCode string Code of the property requested
    OfferKey string Key identifier of the offer for a specific travel period and pax combination
    NetAmount decimals Net amount of the offer
    SellAmount decimals Sell amount of the offer
    OriginalAmount decimals Original among before discount applied
    Discount decimals Discount percentage applicable to offer
    Currency string Currency in which amounts are displayed
    OffersAvailable integer Number of offers available

    Booking API

    POST /booking

    HTTP Request


    Query parameters

    Element Type Description
    Locale string Language in which the information should be returned
    Code string Partner code given by Weekendesk
    Name string Name or POS of the partner
    OfferKey string Key identifier of the offer for a specific Customer period and pax combination
    Title string Title of the customer
    Customer Name string Name of the customer
    Customer Surname string Surname of the customer
    Email string Email of the customer
    Phone string Phone of the customer
    ClientBookingReference string Reservation Code of the client
    Comments string Additional info related to the booking


    Element Type Description
    BookingReference string Reservation code of Weekendesk
    ClientBookingReference string Reservation Code of the client
    CreationDate date TimeStamp of the creation date
    Status string Confirmed=Reservation has been validated; Pending=Reservation is pending validation; Cancelled=Reservation has been cancelled
    OfferCode string Code of the offer
    OfferName string Name of the offer
    OfferKey string Key identifier of the offer for a specific travel period and pax combination
    Name string Name of the Room
    Type string Type of the Room
    Category string Category of the Room
    View string View of the Room
    BoardCode string Code of the Meal Plan included in the offer
    BoardName string Yype of Meal Plan included in the offer
    Comments string Additional info of the offer
    Adults integer Number of paying adults
    Children integer Number of paying children
    Babies integer Number of paying babies
    Description string Description of the activity
    Link Link to the activity info
    NetAmount decimals Net amount of the offer
    SellAmount decimals Sell amount of the offer
    OriginalAmount decimals Original among before discount applied
    Discount decimals Discount percentage applicable to offer
    Currency string Currency in which amounts are displayed
    Booking Conditions string Booking conditions of the offer
    Cancellation policy
    Type string
    FreeCancellationDate date Date until the offer is cancellable


    The OTA ARI API uses the following error codes:

    Status Code Meaning
    200 Success -- Your request has been correctly parsed.
    500 Internal Server Error -- Our server cannot parse your request